Şahin Yavuz

Şahin Yavuz holds bachelor's degrees in law (Beykent University) and business administration (Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences - Mülkiye) and master's degrees in economics (University of Illinois) and science and technology policy studies (METU).

He started his professional career at the Competition Authority in 1997 as an assistant competition expert and then served as competition expert and chief competition expert for 14 years. During this period, he conducted competition investigations and merger and acquisition investigations in different sectors, particularly in fast-moving consumer goods, retail, pharmaceuticals and health, represented the Authority in many national and international meetings, assumed an active role in the International Competition Network (ICN) merger working group on behalf of the Authority, took part in the preparation of the draft amendments to the Law on the Protection of Competition No. 4054, which were enacted in 2008 and 2020, and many secondary legislation drafts issued by the Authority.

Özlem Akay, Adnan Akgün ve Gökçe Türkoğlu ortaklığıyla kurulan AAT Partners’ta geniş bir alanda, yıllara yayılan tecrübemizle müvekkillerimize hizmet veriyoruz. AAT Partners’ta müvekkillerimizin ihtiyaçlarını önceliklendirir, hukuki riskleri ortadan kaldırmak veya en aza indirmek için proaktif bir yaklaşım benimseriz. Müvekkillerimizin hedef ve stratejilerine, doğru bir hukuki zeminde ulaşmalarını sağlamak için çalışırız.